Friday, May 15, 2020

On 14/5/2020

Hello all, iam an Intern, and this is a case history of one of our patient's who got admitted . This is to complete my log book as  a part of internship duty

A35year male presented with complaints of shortness of breath since 2weeks and pedal Edema since 2weeks
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1month back then he developed fever ,associated with chills ,which is high grade for which he took treatment at local rmp where he was given anti malarial drugs and treated symptomatically after which patient felt better currently from 2weeks he is complaining of b/l pedal edema ,extending up to knees ,pitting type,progressing in nature shortness of breath from 2weeks ,initially NYHA 3 after treatment now grade 2 h/o paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea and generalised weakness from 2weeks
No h/o fever ,vomitings ,abdominal distension ,diarrhoea ,cough,cold

No history of similar complaints in the past
Not a known case of DM ,HTN,Epilepsy,CVA,CAD

mixed diet with normal appetite and normal bowel&bladder habits
H/o alcohol and smoking occasionally
No significant family history

well built and well nourished
Pallor absent
Edema upto knees (grade2)
RS:right ISA early inspiratory crepts +
P/A:soft and non tender
CNS:Hmf normal
Cranial nerves intact
Motor system normal
Sensory system normal
No cerebellar signs
JVP of this patient

Heamoglobin :15.2
Total cholesterol:150
Uric acid :6
USG abdomen:right moderate pleural effusion ,grade1 fatty liver,mild ascites
2D ECHO:EF-27%,IVC dilated(2.3cm)not collapsing,mild TR+,severe MR+,trivial AR+,dilated all chambers ,global hypokinesia,severe LV dysfunction,mild PAHT,no MS/AS,no PE/LV clot
DIAGNOSIS: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction secondary to viral myocarditis with denovo DM type 2
Tab.lasix 80mg...40mg...40mg
Tab.isosorbide mononitrate10mg bd
Tab.hydralazine 25mg
Tab. Telma20mg
Tab.metformin 500mg po od
Fluid restriction <1litre/day
Salt restriction <2gms/day

On 14/5/2020
Patient came for opd with complaints of pedal odema and shortness of breath  since 1week 
Patient is investigated for 2d echo and findings are: left ventricular dilatation ,left atrial dilatation,end point septal separation distance is increased,right atrial and ventricular dilatation ,global hypokinesia
Based on the above findings we have increased the dosage of vymarda 50mg BD  (sacubitril 26mg +valsartan24mg) to vymarda to 100 mg BD 

I have seen the 2D ECHO of this patient today

Myaesthenia gravis:
It is a neuromuscular diseases that lead to varying degrees to skeletal muscle weakness.
T cell and B cell mediated activation leads to production of antibodies which causes
a)Decrease in number of acetylcholine receptors in the post synaptic membrane
b)acetylcholine cannot bind to receptors
Antibodies : such as
1)anti acetylcholine receptor antibody
2)anti musk antibody

Presenting complaints:
Starts with ocular weakness or pharyngeal weakness followed by generalised weakness (mainly proximal muscles of lower limb)
Management :
1)ice pack test
2)tensilon test
3)repetitive nerve stimulation tests
4)single nerve fibre electromyography
a)pyridostigmine:30-60mg 6th hourly later taper off
Relapse- steroid +azathioprine
Crisis- IvIg and plasma exchange
b) thymectomy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Elog 2k15

Hello all , I’m an intern of 2015 batch , this is a case history of one of our patients who got admitted . This is to complete my log book as a part of internship duties .

Case History 

A 18yr old male presented with complaints of difficulty in walking since 1 month
bilateral lower limbs weakness since 1 month
pain in the lower limbs calf muscles since 1 month.
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then he gradually developed weakness in both lower limbs which initially felt from getting down from a tractor 1 month back and then he walked with support (walls) which is progressive in nature.
H/o pain in the calf muscles while walking/calf tender positive.
H/o difficulty in standing from sitting position.
H/o difficulty in climbing stairs
H/o difficulty in holding chappals
H/o wasting and thinning of muscles (LL>UL)
No h/o difficulty in getting up from lying down.
no h/o difficulty in holding pen/buttoning/unbuttoning
no h/o difficulty in breathing 
no h/o difficulty in lifting the head off the pillow
no h/o difficulty to roll over the bed
no h/o involuntary muscles
no h/o fasciculations/muscle twitchings
h/o slippage of chappal while walking without knowledge
no h/o sensory deficit in feeling clothes
no h/o sensory deficit for hot/cold
no h/o tingling and numbness in UL & LL
no h/o band like sensation
no h/o low backache
no h/o trauma 
no h/o giddiness while washing face
no h/o cotton wool sensation
no h/o urgency/hesitancy/increased frequency of urine
no h/o urinary incontinence
h/o fever/
No h/o nausea/ vomiting/diarrhea
no h/o seizures
no h/o spine disturbances
no h/o head trauma
no h/o loss of memory
no h/o abnormality in perception of smell
no h/o blurring of vision
no h/o double vision/difficulty in eye movements
no h/o abnormal sensation of face
no h/o difficulty in chewing food
no h/o difficulty in closing eyes
no h/o drooling of saliva
no h/o giddiness/swaying
no h/o difficulty in swallowing
no h/o dysphagia/dysphasia
no h/o tongue deviation
no h/o difficulty in reaching objects
no h/o tremors/tongue fasciculations
no h/o incoordination during drinking water
no h/o fever/neck stiffness
Past history:
no h/o similar complaints in past
not a known case of DM/HTN/EPILEPSY/CVA/CAD

personal history:
mixed diet with normal appetite and normal bowel/bladder movements
h/o alcohol since 2y weekly twice.
No h/o smoking
no significant family history.

General examination:
Moderately built;poorly nourished
Pallor present 
Icterus negative
No cyanosis,clubbing,lymphademopathy,Edema.
no short neck
no scars;no h/o tropic ulcers
no neurocutaneous markers
Bp 100/60 mmhg
Pr 80 bpm
Cvs s1 s2 hears no murmurs
Rs bae + nvbs hears
P/a soft ,nontender
Cns  HMF- patient conscious
        oriented to place/time/person
no h/o aphsia/dysarthria
no h/o dysphonia
no h/o memory loss
no h/o emotional lability
MMSE- 30
cranial nerves- intact
                                              Right.         Left
Bulk:    inspection       decreased.     decreased
             palpation.       decreased.     decreased
Measurements  U/l   28.5cm.   28.5cm
                                  L/L 37 cm    37 cm
Tone:               ul.            normal.         Normal
                         LL.         hypotonia.      hypotonia
Power              UL.                5/5.              5/5
               iliopsoas                3/5.              3/5
   adductor femoris            4/5.               4/5
       gluteus medius             3/5.               3/5
   gluteus maximus            3/5.               3/5
              hamstrings            3/5.               3/5
quadriceps femoris            3/5.               3/5
tibialis anterior.                   3/5.               3/5
tibialis posterior.                 3/5.               3/5
peroneii.                                3/5.               3/5
gastronemius.                     4/5.               4/5
extensor -
         digitorum longus.       3/5.               3/5
flexor digitorum longus      3/5.               3/5

   Superficial reflexes
                       Right.           Left
Corneal.            P                  P
Conjunctival    P.                  P
Abdominal.      +               +
Plantar            mute           mute
cremasteric.    +                +

    Deep tendon reflexes 
                     Right.             Left
Biceps.          P.                     ---
Triceps.         ---.                   ---
Supinator.     ---                    ---
Knee              ---                    ---
Ankle.            ---                    ---
                                    RIGHT.           LEFT
             crude touch.   N.                   N
                 pain.             N.                   N
            temperature.   N.                   N
             fine touch.      N.                   N
             vibration.        N.                   N
     position sensor.    N.                   N
 2 point discrimination  N.                   N
tactile localisation.        N.                   N

titubation - absent
ataxia - absent
hypotonia.                present            present


HB            10.4gm/dl
Platelets  2.56lakhs/cumm
TLC            10400 cells/cumm
lymphocytes 10%
smear -microcytic hypochromic anemia

 serum electrolytes
Na+ 143 meq/l
k+.    3.9meq/l
cl-.       95meq/l
T.pcm 650mg/tid
Ivf-100ml NS with 1 ampoule optineuron IV/OD
Inj.neomol 100ml/iv if temp>101f
Temp charting 6 th hourly and tepid sponging.

I have seen the muscle biopsy from quadriceps femoris in a case of calf muscle hypertrophy ( suspicion of beckers muscular dystrophy)

Bells palsy is a LMN lesion  of facial nerve complaints are deviation of mouth to opposite side,loss of nasolabial fold on same side,unable to close to the eyes, loss of taste ,
Treatment : prednisolone 
                      Antivirals like acyclovir
                     Eye drops and eye patch