Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Elog 2k15

Hello all , I’m an intern of 2015 batch , this is a case history of one of our patients who got admitted . This is to complete my log book as a part of internship duties .

Case History 

A 18yr old male presented with complaints of difficulty in walking since 1 month
bilateral lower limbs weakness since 1 month
pain in the lower limbs calf muscles since 1 month.
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then he gradually developed weakness in both lower limbs which initially felt from getting down from a tractor 1 month back and then he walked with support (walls) which is progressive in nature.
H/o pain in the calf muscles while walking/calf tender positive.
H/o difficulty in standing from sitting position.
H/o difficulty in climbing stairs
H/o difficulty in holding chappals
H/o wasting and thinning of muscles (LL>UL)
No h/o difficulty in getting up from lying down.
no h/o difficulty in holding pen/buttoning/unbuttoning
no h/o difficulty in breathing 
no h/o difficulty in lifting the head off the pillow
no h/o difficulty to roll over the bed
no h/o involuntary muscles
no h/o fasciculations/muscle twitchings
h/o slippage of chappal while walking without knowledge
no h/o sensory deficit in feeling clothes
no h/o sensory deficit for hot/cold
no h/o tingling and numbness in UL & LL
no h/o band like sensation
no h/o low backache
no h/o trauma 
no h/o giddiness while washing face
no h/o cotton wool sensation
no h/o urgency/hesitancy/increased frequency of urine
no h/o urinary incontinence
h/o fever/
No h/o nausea/ vomiting/diarrhea
no h/o seizures
no h/o spine disturbances
no h/o head trauma
no h/o loss of memory
no h/o abnormality in perception of smell
no h/o blurring of vision
no h/o double vision/difficulty in eye movements
no h/o abnormal sensation of face
no h/o difficulty in chewing food
no h/o difficulty in closing eyes
no h/o drooling of saliva
no h/o giddiness/swaying
no h/o difficulty in swallowing
no h/o dysphagia/dysphasia
no h/o tongue deviation
no h/o difficulty in reaching objects
no h/o tremors/tongue fasciculations
no h/o incoordination during drinking water
no h/o fever/neck stiffness
Past history:
no h/o similar complaints in past
not a known case of DM/HTN/EPILEPSY/CVA/CAD

personal history:
mixed diet with normal appetite and normal bowel/bladder movements
h/o alcohol since 2y weekly twice.
No h/o smoking
no significant family history.

General examination:
Moderately built;poorly nourished
Pallor present 
Icterus negative
No cyanosis,clubbing,lymphademopathy,Edema.
no short neck
no scars;no h/o tropic ulcers
no neurocutaneous markers
Bp 100/60 mmhg
Pr 80 bpm
Cvs s1 s2 hears no murmurs
Rs bae + nvbs hears
P/a soft ,nontender
Cns  HMF- patient conscious
        oriented to place/time/person
no h/o aphsia/dysarthria
no h/o dysphonia
no h/o memory loss
no h/o emotional lability
MMSE- 30
cranial nerves- intact
                                              Right.         Left
Bulk:    inspection       decreased.     decreased
             palpation.       decreased.     decreased
Measurements  U/l   28.5cm.   28.5cm
                                  L/L 37 cm    37 cm
Tone:               ul.            normal.         Normal
                         LL.         hypotonia.      hypotonia
Power              UL.                5/5.              5/5
               iliopsoas                3/5.              3/5
   adductor femoris            4/5.               4/5
       gluteus medius             3/5.               3/5
   gluteus maximus            3/5.               3/5
              hamstrings            3/5.               3/5
quadriceps femoris            3/5.               3/5
tibialis anterior.                   3/5.               3/5
tibialis posterior.                 3/5.               3/5
peroneii.                                3/5.               3/5
gastronemius.                     4/5.               4/5
extensor -
         digitorum longus.       3/5.               3/5
flexor digitorum longus      3/5.               3/5

   Superficial reflexes
                       Right.           Left
Corneal.            P                  P
Conjunctival    P.                  P
Abdominal.      +               +
Plantar            mute           mute
cremasteric.    +                +

    Deep tendon reflexes 
                     Right.             Left
Biceps.          P.                     ---
Triceps.         ---.                   ---
Supinator.     ---                    ---
Knee              ---                    ---
Ankle.            ---                    ---
                                    RIGHT.           LEFT
             crude touch.   N.                   N
                 pain.             N.                   N
            temperature.   N.                   N
             fine touch.      N.                   N
             vibration.        N.                   N
     position sensor.    N.                   N
 2 point discrimination  N.                   N
tactile localisation.        N.                   N

titubation - absent
ataxia - absent
hypotonia.                present            present


HB            10.4gm/dl
Platelets  2.56lakhs/cumm
TLC            10400 cells/cumm
lymphocytes 10%
smear -microcytic hypochromic anemia

 serum electrolytes
Na+ 143 meq/l
k+.    3.9meq/l
cl-.       95meq/l
T.pcm 650mg/tid
Ivf-100ml NS with 1 ampoule optineuron IV/OD
Inj.neomol 100ml/iv if temp>101f
Temp charting 6 th hourly and tepid sponging.

I have seen the muscle biopsy from quadriceps femoris in a case of calf muscle hypertrophy ( suspicion of beckers muscular dystrophy)

Bells palsy is a LMN lesion  of facial nerve complaints are deviation of mouth to opposite side,loss of nasolabial fold on same side,unable to close to the eyes, loss of taste ,
Treatment : prednisolone 
                      Antivirals like acyclovir
                     Eye drops and eye patch

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